Squads Abroad is a 501c3 non-profit organization under our parent company Global Brigades, a Platinum Level Guidestar member for Financial Transparency. Since 2004, our organization has collectively mobilized more than 70,000 international volunteers to help resolve global health and economic disparities around the world.

The Student Impact of a STEM TeleSquad

Written by Ashley Farhat

On September 20, 2021

Published: September 20, 2021
Written By: Marketing Associate, Ashley Farhat

Addressing a Problem by Finding a Solution

Prior to a STEM TeleSquad, Squads Abroad Chapters comprise a proposal to address a found problem within a partner community’s functioning.

This June, Global Prep Academy’s Squads STEM Chapter in Santa Clarita, California partnered with Cerro de Agua in Central America in an effort to design a sustainable water system. The student volunteers put their heads together to find and address three problems within the community that included a limited access to water, a need for water storage, and a lack of a centralized water system.

View the full final report made by Global Prep Academy here.

The volunteers worked closely with community leaders to develop solutions to each problem, including designing a new distribution, storage and chlorine treatment system using Google Earth and MapSource technologies. The proposed solution also included project management systems, such as identifying leaders responsible for each element of maintenance.

The Global STEM TeleSquad Impact

The Global Prep Academy students constructed a detailed timeline with hopes for the water system’s grand opening to commence in 2022. The new sustainable water system will eliminate the need for community members to walk long distances for water, as well as prevent infection and other water-borne illnesses.

We are looking for more STEM classes to join us!

Think your students would be interested in supporting communities in Central America to design effective and sustainable water systems? Schedule a call to learn more!


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Squads are passionate groups of volunteers who mobilize abroad to create positive change. Each Squad type has a skill-based focus area that support the education, health and economic development objectives of community partners. Faculty choose their dates, duration (typically 1-2 weeks), and their site location from one of our six program countries.
Squads Abroad is a 501c3 non-profit organization under our parent company Global Brigades, a Platinum Level Guidestar member for Financial Transparency. Since 2004, our organization has collectively mobilized more than 70,000 international volunteers to help resolve global health and economic disparities around the world.
Through virtual or in-country programs, Squads are passionate groups of volunteers who mobilize abroad to create positive change. Each Squad type has a skill-based focus area that support the education, health and economic development objectives of community partners.