Published: September 21, 2021
Written By: Sr. Marketing Associate, Sydney Colbert
Impacto Global Partners with Small Business Owners
In June 2021, Metuchen High School students partnered with Honduran entrepreneur Yensi Rios to expand her business in the community of El Paraiso. Ms. Rios is a small business owner interested in making a splash in her community with the establishment of a refreshment kiosk. She partnered with Squads Abroad to learn more about financial and marketing strategies to help grow her business.
Metuchen High School students supported Ms. Rios by creating engaging marketing materials in Spanish to help promote her business to a wider audience. They also created a final business report in both English and Spanish reflecting on their experience with the Panamanian entrepreneur. Check out the report the students put together by clicking the link below!
Click here to view the full report
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