Squads Abroad is a 501c3 non-profit organization under our parent company Global Brigades, a Platinum Level Guidestar member for Financial Transparency. Since 2004, our organization has collectively mobilized more than 70,000 international volunteers to help resolve global health and economic disparities around the world.

Month: August 2019

3 Tips to Kick Start a Squad at your School

Countdown to the trip with your Squad! 1) Set the perfect trip up for your group Start by filling out our quick and easy online Squads Abroad Trip Proposal Form or contact us with an inquiry. We’ll provide you with a customized trip proposal and pricing for the group...

3 Different Squads that Squads Abroad Provides

Find the right squad for you! There are so many ways to get involved with Squads Abroad and we have the perfect squad for anyone interested in making an impact with us! Whether you’re passionate about improving educational outcomes with our Global Education Squad,...
Squads are passionate groups of volunteers who mobilize abroad to create positive change. Each Squad type has a skill-based focus area that support the education, health and economic development objectives of community partners. Faculty choose their dates, duration (typically 1-2 weeks), and their site location from one of our six program countries.
Squads Abroad is a 501c3 non-profit organization under our parent company Global Brigades, a Platinum Level Guidestar member for Financial Transparency. Since 2004, our organization has collectively mobilized more than 70,000 international volunteers to help resolve global health and economic disparities around the world.
Through virtual or in-country programs, Squads are passionate groups of volunteers who mobilize abroad to create positive change. Each Squad type has a skill-based focus area that support the education, health and economic development objectives of community partners.