Squads Abroad is a 501c3 non-profit organization under our parent company Global Brigades, a Platinum Level Guidestar member for Financial Transparency. Since 2004, our organization has collectively mobilized more than 70,000 international volunteers to help resolve global health and economic disparities around the world.

High School Students Bring Hope to Resource-Limited Communities Across Globe

Written by Sydney Colbert

On June 28, 2021


Over the past year, Dana Hills High School (DHHS), a school which hosts an academy designed for individuals who are pursuing a career in the health field, has been empowering their students to bring hope to resource-limited communities across the globe in partnership with Squads Abroad. As a part of Dana Hills’ Health and Medical Occupational Academy program (HMO), third-year students are required to participate in an internship at Kaiser Permanente. However, when juniors were unable to intern at Kaiser due to COVID restrictions, a teacher at DHHS stumbled upon TeleSquads while conducting a Google search to find a substitute for the program’s annual internship. After raising a donation for the Global Health TeleSquads program, HMO students enrolled in TeleSquad’s online curriculum.

“’One of the big things that was so cool about the TeleSquads program is that they were able to take us on livestreamed tours down main street and into their clinics. . . So, on clinic days, we were able to observe doctors in real-time having appointments with local residents, so even though we were all these miles apart, we were right in the room.’” – Elle Burnight, a senior at HMO

Click here to read the full story in the Dana Point Times!


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Squads are passionate groups of volunteers who mobilize abroad to create positive change. Each Squad type has a skill-based focus area that support the education, health and economic development objectives of community partners. Faculty choose their dates, duration (typically 1-2 weeks), and their site location from one of our six program countries.
Squads Abroad is a 501c3 non-profit organization under our parent company Global Brigades, a Platinum Level Guidestar member for Financial Transparency. Since 2004, our organization has collectively mobilized more than 70,000 international volunteers to help resolve global health and economic disparities around the world.
Through virtual or in-country programs, Squads are passionate groups of volunteers who mobilize abroad to create positive change. Each Squad type has a skill-based focus area that support the education, health and economic development objectives of community partners.